Are you a leader, visionary, or change-maker ready to embody your vision and purpose at a deeper level?


A leadership course that will help you de-stress (properly), cultivate inner trust, and lead from a place of inner power.

Yes, I Need This!

I know your time is valuable, so I promise not to waste it with fluff. There is a big problem amongst leaders right now. 

Actually, three BIG Problems

Problem #1

High Impact leaders with a lot to do and what feels like higher stakes than ever are stuck in their thinking caps, disconnected from their bodies, and don't realize how stressed they are --- until physical symptoms arise. 

Problem #2

Most leadership development programs focus on mental skills and how-to’s prioritizing reason over feeling, suppressing emotional processes while we’re in the midst of a global epidemic on loneliness and isolation.

Problem #3

Attempting to solve this crisis is a large influx of wellness and self-care tactics yet little clarity on how to integrate this inner work into daily life or leadership responsibilities in ways that make a difference.

After 15 years in organizational change, mindfulness and leadership training, I'm here to connect the dots

Can you relate to one of these two scenarios:


  • There is a way to lead with integrity and authenticity that feels true for you and allows you to sleep well at night knowing that you did your best.
  • There is a way to live in alignment with your purpose and values and in doing so share the special sauce of you that the world needs
  • There is a way to do this that integrates into your lifestyle
  • There is a way to live a high-impact life with a lot of responsibilities AND experience flow and alignment as you contribute to this planet

I have cultivated a process that you can come back to again and again with compounding results.

The process I teach in Get Embodied is not complex.

It's not mad science.

In fact, I have 4 Golden Rules to become more self-embodied in your leadership and life.

The 4 Rules for Leadership from the Inside Out

1. Reconnect with your body and destress properly

2. Listen and understand what’s happening ‘below’ the surface (the energy that feels like stress and overwhelm)

3. Alchemize hidden fear and pain into fuel that propels your vision and purpose

4. Live and lead from there

When you begin to integrate the Get Embodied frameworks into your daily life you will more naturally rest and rejuvenate daily, transform the day's problems into deeper inner alignment, and lead from a place of inner power and integrity.

Many people know this stuff logically, but get lost on how to actually accomplish these things naturally and organically when it matters most.

Key words there? WHEN IT MATTERS MOST

The perfect course for visionary leaders in tech, consulting, and entrepreneurship (the super heady yet highly impactful industries).

It is a nuts and bolts type of course that guides you through the practical steps to:

  • Reconnect with the wisdom of your body
  • Tap into this wisdom to deepen the understanding of what is being called forth from you in any given situation (learn the art of inner alchemy)
  • Frame this wisdom and insight in practical ways you can integrate into your communication, decision-making, and boundary-setting
  • Elevate your energetic point of attraction and mindset in working through business and leadership problems (quantum leap your level up)

Bring real-life and leadership problems to this course for an experiential leadership journey with results. Live classes kickoff January 15th, 2024.

Join Today!

Cultivate inner peace while reconnecting with your true self, like Monique

Through this work, I feel like I got myself back. I feel so peaceful and know my worth.

Monique P., Manager IT Healthcare


Ever since I can remember I have been interested in the human condition, our relationship to power, and each other. 

This curiosity took me to study neuroscience and biofeedback research as a graduate student at UC Berkeley, a career in organizational change and strategy, which serendipitously led to the fields of energy healing, bioenergetics, and somatic awareness.

I’ve consulted and led training in Fortune 100 companies, guided women through deep healing journeys into the discovery of self, coached entrepreneurs to get clear on their why and manifest lives they never could have imagined, and on a personal level healed trauma-related illnesses, toxic relationships, and more. 

After 15 years of coaching, consulting, and speaking on leadership, mindfulness, and being your authentic self, The Love Work has emerged as an integration of the various approaches I’ve explored all inspired by the same why —  soul-level alignment for transformational leaders.

I decided to call it GET EMBODIED because it's about truly becoming more self-embodied in life and leadership - bringing more of the unique solutions and impact you are here to bring.

You don’t need more information. It's time to connect within inside of a fully embodied and practical experience.

What’s Inside GET EMBODIED: The Grounding Art of Leading from the Inside-Out?

A six-module course kicks off the week of January 15th. There will be pre-work, four modules delivered LIVE, post-work, and bonuses. Scroll further for the deets.

Module 1

Considering this is an embodiment course, Module 1 will help you to reconnect with your body. Learn to listen to the wisdom of your body, its needs, and begin to understand them.

Module 2

In Module 2, you will learn Dynamic Communication, a framework that helps you connect with and understand the varied levels of needs, concerns, desires, and maybe even biases at play in a given situation.

Module 3

In Module 3, we will begin to activate the inner awareness cultivated in the pre-work and week 1 with boundary setting. Here you will clarify your inner and outer needs as a human, a leader, and inside of a given situation and how to have them met. Leadership from the inside out requires self-knowledge and self-trust. This week we create structures to support you on this journey.

Module 4

In Module 4 uncover how a situation, relationship, or problem may reflect areas for inner growth, preparation, and insight. Learning to alchemize situations by addressing the root cause frees up time and energy while deepening self-esteem and inner worth.

Module 5

In Module 5, we begin to bring the inner work outward. Through our embodied communication framework, you learn to think and respond in alignment with your vision, purpose, and desired impact.

Module 6

In the final module, exercises to support your continued integration and nurture your wisdom and insight are shared.

Re-connect with your inner guidance and find the courage to pursue your passion like Sean:

"Without you helping me bring back my inner joy, I would not be where I am today. I am living my dream and more than I ever saw myself realizing."

Sean B., Non-Profit Director


In the true interest of the word LEADER, I am supplementing these workshops with bonuses that will make it super simple to integrate the work your doing into your day-to-day life! 


incredible included bonuses


An audio library with guided meditations and breathwork practices that speak to specific aspects of the work to make sure you have quick access to grounding techniques throughout the day to support your inner alignment ($197 value)


One-pagers to quickly target issues (e.g. overthinking, overwhelm, stuck in fear) that may arise and suggested tools to support you at the moment ($197 value)


This workshop provides insight on cultivating a meditation practice without worrying if you're doing it right. It guides you through simple exercises to cultivate and build confidence in your meditation practice.


An audio library with guided meditations and breathwork practices that speak to specific aspects of the work to make sure you have quick access to grounding techniques throughout the day to support your inner alignment ($197 value)


One-pagers to quickly target issues (e.g. overthinking, overwhelm, stuck in fear) that may arise and suggested tools to support you at the moment ($197 value)


This workshop provides insight on cultivating a meditation practice without worrying if you're doing it right. It guides you through simple exercises to cultivate and build confidence in your meditation practice.

I promise that you CAN do this.

But the best part don’t even have to believe us!

If you’re not 100% satisfied with this program, the content, or the support after 30 days, I will offer you a full refund. 

That means you can enroll today and take the full 30 days to explore the materials and experience the transformational experience of Get Embodied® and then make a decision using the information you have, rather than the information you don’t.

Frequently Asked Questions about GET EMBODIED

How much time is required? 

Is everything available immediately?

How long can I keep it?  

Get Embodied will launch live on February 15th and will require about 1.5 - 2 hours/week for six weeks. Classes are one hour long and come with Love Work to integrate the week’s learning.

This course is delivered live over 4 weeks as an experiential program. Each workshop has the gift of being able to stand alone targeting a specific issue yet also building on each other and best as a package in the given order. 

You will have lifetime access to this course. It will be in your library in our online platform when you log in.

Frequently Asked Questions about GET EMBODIED

How much time is required? 

Get Embodied will launch live on February 15th and will require about 90 minutes - 2 hours/week for six weeks. Classes are one hour long and come with Love Work to integrate the week’s learning.

Is everything available immediately?

This course is delivered live over 4 weeks as an experiential program. Each workshop has the gift of being able to stand alone targeting a specific issue yet also building on each other and best as a package in the given order. 

How long can I keep it?  

You will have lifetime access to this course. It will be in your library in our online platform when you log in.

Look at how Candace was able to re-create her self-care routine with the bonuses alone!

"I LOVE the self-care printables. They helped me to easily create a self-care and self-love routine that not only speaks to my personal needs and desires but works into my schedule - because I planned it that way!"

Candace F, Educator

We live in an age where the stakes feel high, many challenges feel unprecedented, and more leaders are prioritizing purpose and service. 

An intentional inner cultivation and self-awareness practice is one of the most required components of effective leadership today.

The ability to de-stress, listen to your inner guidance, and powerfully act and communicate in alignment are no longer an option they’re necessary.. 


Codependent models of business and leadership are crumbling all around us. New ways of being are emerging, solutions lay within the hearts and minds of today’s change agents, transformational leaders, and impact entrepreneurs. 

I’d love to have you join me on this journey. 

XO, Tiffany Crawford